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LVivo Bladder™

Transform Your Ultrasound to a Bladder Scanner

Bladder volume (BV) is usually evaluated in patients with suspected urinary obstruction at bedside. Measuring BV may reduce painful and unnecessary catheterization, as well as the risk of catheter-associated urinary tract infections.

Healthcare-associated urinary tract infections (UTIs) account for up to 40% of infections in hospitals and 23% of infections in the intensive care unit (ICU)

The Challenge

Bladder volume calculations on cart-based ultrasound systems are currently done manually. This process is time-consuming, error-prone, and highly dependent on the user’s experience.

LVivo Bladder

LVivo Bladder transforms any ultrasound device, on premise, into an AI-powered bladder scanner to accurately measure bladder volume in one click.

After acquiring images from the Longitudinal and Transverse bladder views, LVivo Bladder generates an auto analysis of the bladder volume to present:

 ■   Bladder border edge detection

 ■   D1, D2 & D3 measurements

 ■   Volume measurement

 ■   Manual border adjustment

Why LVivo Bladder?



Reduce the expense of a dedicated bladder scanning device


Shorten scanning time

Reduce staff overload and minimize contact with COVID-19 patients


Objective and accurate

Replace subjective manual analysis, with accurate and consistent results



Easily added to any ultrasound device

"LVivo Bladder has the potential to turn ultrasound devices into bladder scanners to automatically evaluate bladder volume and post voiding residual volume in a very simple way. LVivo Bladder helps to quickly and accurately support catheterization decisions. This accurate, easy to use tool will become a major player in ER, Urology clinics, point of care setups as well as Radiology practice to decrease scan time.”

Shlomo Gobi,

Senior sonographer

Terem Medical Centers

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